Basilica in Anžići
The ruins were discovered by dr. Ante Šonje in 1972. (former director of the Poreč museum) Underneath Muntajana hill, not far from the Anžići village, there were found ruins of an early Christian basilica, from mid-sixth century. Archeological researches have shown interesting links with the episcopal palace in Poreč. The floor plan of the first floor of the palace resembles identically the floor plan of the basilica. The same type of stone, brought from the Greek island of Prokonesos , was used in the Poreč cathedral complex too. Stated that, the basilica dates back in the mid - 6th century, same period of the complex in Poreč. It is plausible that the church was dedicated to St.Agnes. The floors were covered in mosaics with geometric and vegetal motifs, while the external walls were reinforced with pilasters. The interior wasn't like other Paleochristian basilicas with three naves, but divided in smaller spaces with walls. The lithurgy was celebrated in the basilica until the 7th century when, upon arrival of the Slavic and Avars irruption in Istria, continued to be used just as shelter for sheperds and peasants. The building was used again for sacral purposes in the 11th century, when partly reconstructed. It was definitely abandoned between the 15th and 17th century because of the plague epidemy.
Informations for visitors:
Visiting is not possible