nova fasada Noć muzeja 2025 Poreč Radno vrijeme crte lica jesen
Radovi na izradi idejnog rješenja
Radovi idejno rješenje

Permanent exhibition

The making of a new permanent exhibition is in progress. Join us in the action of collecting materials for the Museum's collection.

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Muzejski fundus home

Museum's fund

The Museum holds a precious fund with more than 20.000 objects that are being kept and collected in 41 collections.

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Knjižnica home


The Museum's Library fund counts more that 12000 titles.

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The Museum's Association Friends of the Giostra have more than 250 members. It was founded in order to protect the intangible heritage and to fulfill the cultural and touristic offer of the city of Poreč, especially through the Historical festival - Giostra.

Association Friends of the Giostra

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Working hours
Monday - friday 8am - 4pm


The Museum is closed to the public due to renovation works on the building and the making of the new permanent exhibition. Staff and experts are available upon request Monday - Friday during office time.